Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Way to Reach Your Goals: How Many Dreams Have You Put on Hold

Just like me and everyone else, there would come a time when you would find yourself contemplating on the way to reach your goals.  What road should you take?

Let's review things.

People start out in life with countless desires of the heart. If you would look back at your childhood days, you'd probably remember that once upon a time you had a lot of dreams.

Being a child, these dreams seemed attainable because in your mind you were so invincible then and life seemed so easy.

If you were like me before, the word impossible may not have been in your vocabulary. You probably knew - or may have plotted out - the easiest way to attain those dreams even if it may not be the best way for others. No adult intervention can ever put you down and discourage you or make you doubt your abilities. You just KNEW you would get it. You won't stop trying until you discover the way to reach your goals.

That's how most kids are.

Read the rest of the article here: "The Way to Reach Your Goals: How Many Dreams Have You Put On Hold"

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